Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finishing up September in the Lab

I have to start with a BIG thank you to Liberty Elementary School's PTO who bought a super-duper nice microscope for the kids to use!!! Second, a big thank you to the school's science committee for their untiring dedication to not only the school's first ever Science Night, but to their untiring dedication to implementing a love of science chool-wide.

We have been busy this month in the lab. We have played the parts of meteorologists predicting weather and astronomers charting the stars. Second grade changed a liguid to a solid making butter, and at the same time learning how hard it was to live a long time ago. ...And in case you haven't heard, I started bringing my puppy to school-a 9 week old miniature daschund. Her name is Mel and she is fitting right in!

Keep those box tops coming in-all monies received from box tops helps to fund the science lab!

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